Syria forgetting the wounds of civil war lasted for 10 years:Buildings shattered with missiles, but the punch of expectations from the courage of the spirits


The picture is of Atarib of Syria. Here children and youngsters are putting the punch of hope in the ruined buildings to forget the bad memories of the Civil War with their hearts and minds. In fact, Ahmad Dwar, a 31-year-old teacher living in Atarib, has made a boxing ring to buildings damaged in a missile attack. Over 100 children are reaching to learn boxing throughout the day.

Ahmed says- 'Syria was also once a buzzer. But the civil war destroyed everything. The country started struggling with economic crisis. School-colleges closed. Half of the country's population became homeless. The deteriorating conditions of Syria do not dominate the minds of children, so they have started to teach them boxing so that they can forget their bad memories and prepare them for tomorrow. ' According to the WHO report, more than 3.80 lakh lives have been lost in Syria in the last 10 years due to civil war. These include 22 thousand children and 13612 women.


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